Building Solid Foundations for 2010 and Beyond

08 Octombrie 2009

Dear friends

2010 is just around the corner, arriving very quickly!  But first a quick calendar review:  We were in Romania from September 9 to October 4.  We came back for a team development and coaching session with an I.T. client October 15 to 18.  Then we will return from November 4 to 28, and probably again from December 20 to January 2 to experience my first Christmas in Romania.  At this rate, I will soon become Romanian. Is this what next my year holds in reserve?

Mai intai o scurta rememorare a calendarului:  Am fost in Romania de pe 9 septembrie pana pe 4 octombrie.Am revenit pentru o sesiune de dezvoltare si coaching de echipa pentru un client din domeniul IT in intervalul 15-18 Octombrie. Apoi ne vom intoarce in noiembrie de pe 4 pana pe 28 si din nou in decembrie de pe 20 pana pe 2 ianuarie pentru a experimenta primul meu Craciun in Romania. In ritmul acesta, voi deveni in curand roman.
By living more often and for longer periods in Romania, I am  begining to feel how deeply people are being affected by the current economic situation.  I am also feeling how this situation is serving as a catalyst to reveal underlying structural characteristics that were always present in the country, although less intense when rapid growth made it easier for most.  This is  a very personal and sometimes difficult experience as we build a start up in Bucharest and develop a local business.
Traind mai des si perioade mai lungi in Romania, incep sa simt cat de profund sunt afectati oamenii de situatia economica actuala. Simt in acelasi timp, cum situatia aceasta actioneaza ca un catalizator pentru a revela caracteristici structurale fundamentale care au fost mereu prezente desi au fost mai putin intense cand cresterea economica rapida a facut viata mai simpla pentru majoritatea. Astfel a devenit o experienta foarte personala si uneori dificila intrucat cladim o firma in Bucuresti si dezvoltam o afacere aici.

On the worst days, we are experiencing first-hand the results of individualistic and protective survival strategies, of lack of community support and collective infrastructure, and of seemingly friendly neighbors who would sometimes just love to see our goat die.  Luckily on better days, we are meeting people who truly want to remain optimist about Romania's evolution, who very personally commit to developing themselves and who are actively changing what can be changed in their immediate environment and realms of responsibility. For those who are actively supporting our work, we are very thankful.

In zilele cele mai grele experimentam in primul rand rezultatele strategiilor de supravietuire individualiste si protective, lipsa sprijinului comunitatii si a infrastructurii colective precum si a vecinilor aparent prietenosi carora le-ar placea tare mult sa vada capra noastra murind. Din fericire, in zilele mai bune intalnim oameni care vor cu adevarat sa ramana optimisti cu privire la evolutia tarii lor, care sunt angajati intr-un proces de dezvoltare personala si schimba in mod activ ceea ce se poate schimba in jurul lor si care isi asuma responsabilitati. Celor care ne sprijina in mod activ activitatea le suntem foarte recunoscatori.
This experience has prompted me to write down my thoughts in an article and to design a new workshop for leaders and managers.  The article is on the lack of national, fully integrated infrastructure in Romania, and on strikingly similar patterns that can be observed within organizations, teams and individuals.  If you have not already read the article, you can access it on our website, in the "news" section.  It offers both an analysis and some Metasysteme Coaching options for solutions.
Systemic Patterns in Romania's Current Evolution
Aceasta experienta m-a facut sa imi scriu gandurile intr-un articol si sa realizez un nou workshop pentru lideri si manageri. Articolul este despre lipsa infrastructurii nationale si cu adevarat integrate in Romania si despre paternurile similare frapante care pot fi observate in organizatii, echipe si indivizi. Daca nu ati citit articolul inca, il puteti accesa pe website-ul nostru la sectiunea "actualitati". Ofera atat o analiza cat si optiuni pentru solutii in stilul Metasysteme Coaching.

November 10 Workshop: Competition, Personal Ethics and Sustainable Management

Our experience living in Romania has also prompted us to design a new workshop.  It is actively experiential and calls for intense participation.  It covers a very wide scope, from individual perspectives and behavior to management issues, business reality and market characteristics.  To cover this strategically, the workshop is designed around practical work with a business game, discussion and systems analysis theory dealing with complexity.  For interested leaders, this open workshop is an introduction that will motivate strategies for possible breakthrough change management within Romanian companies.  Come prepared to be challenged by our team.  We are also pleased to announce that our media partners for this event are Ziarul Financiar, Business Magazin, Gândul, and
Experienta pe care am dobandit-o traind aici ne-a facut totodata sa creem un nou workshop. Este in mod activ experiential si cere o participare intensa. Acopera o gama larga de preocupari de la perspectiva individuala si comportamentala la probleme de management, realitatea de business si caracteristicile de piata. Pentru a raspunde la toate astea intr-un mod strategic, workshopul este proiectat in jurul unor activitati practice bazate pe un exercitiu de business, discutii si teorii sistemice intr-o abordare complexa . Pentru liderii interesati, acest workshop deschis constituie o introducere care va stimula posibile schimbari/ruperi in felul in care se realizeaza managementul companiilor din Romania. Veniti pregatiti sa fiti provocati de echipa noastra.
For details of the program and to register to the November 10 workshop.

Individual, Team and Organization Diagnosis Training

November 19 & 20, in Bucharest again, we are also offering a two-day opportunity to develop and practice your management, leadership and coaching skills.  In this training program, participants will acquire and practice a powerful diagnostic tool and coaching, training or consulting strategies applicable to all professional contexts including individual, team and organizational management and coaching.
Noiembrie 19 si 20, in Bucuresti din nou, oferim o oportunitate de doua zile pentru practicarea abilitatilor de management, lidership si coaching. In acest program de formare participantii isi insusesc si practica un instrument puternic de diagnostic, coaching, training sau strategii de consultanta aplicabil in toate contextele profesionale inlcusiv coaching individual, de echipe si organizational.
This diagnosis tool will also allow each participant to evaluate his or her own coaching or management profile and decide on personal areas for development so as to move from “good” to “outstanding” whatever their individual field of activity.  Note that this workshop is one of the standard Metasysteme "Metacoach" trainings, validated by the International Coach Federation as ACSTH, or "Accredited Coach-Specific Training Hours".
Acest instrument de diagnostic va permite participantilor sa evalueze profilul lor de manager sau coach si sa decida care sunt zonele lor de dezvoltare si, totodata, sa faca pasul de la "bun" la "fabulos" in oricare ar fi domeniul lor de activitate. Acest workshop este unul dintre programele standard ale Metasysteme "Metacoach", validate de catre International Coach Federation ca ACSTH, sau "Accredited Coach-Specific Training Hours".

Networking, on and off the net

We have recently been developing relationships through LINKEDIN.  For information, there is a "Metasysteme Alumni" group which offers a platform for exchange between people who have had Metasysteme training or coaching experience, whether through supervision, workshops, or through direct coaching as managers and team members.  We are also contributing to a number of other coaching and business groups.  Incidently, we have noticed that if numerous individuals regularly post comments, questions and articles in these groups, very few react to each other's inputs.  LINKEDIN is in fact a lot of "IN" but very little is "LINKED".  So if you are present on this network, do not hesitate to personally react to some of our comments, articles or questions, and to those of others.  Connecting and supporting each other is what networking and creating community is all about.

Recent, am investit energie in dezvoltarea relatiilor prin LINKEDIN. Ca si informatie, exista un grup "Metasysteme Alumni" care ofera o platforma de relationare intre cei care au experimentat training sau coaching Metasysteme, fie ca a fost supervizare, workshopuri sau direct coaching ca si manageri sau membri ai unei echipe.   Participam totodata la un numar de alte grupuri de afaceri sau coaching. In mod intamplator am sesizat ca sunt multi care posteaza cu regularitate comentarii, intrebari sau articole in aceste grupuri si foarte putini cei care reactioneaza la ce pun ceilalti. LINKEDIN este, de fapt, mult "IN" dar foarte putin "LINKED (LEGAT/CONECTAT)". Prin urmare, daca sunteti prezenti in aceasta retea, nu ezitati sa reactionati personal la unele din comentariile noastre, articole sau intrebari ca si la cele ale altora. Sa fim in legatura si sa ne sprijinim unii pe altii este tot ceea ce inseamna networking si crearea unei comunitati.

Other News

Metasysteme Coaching is gradually developing a "real" coaching clientele, in Romania, that is with leaders and within companies, to participate more directly on the evolution of some of the country's organizations.  Do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to co-design with us new developemental processes within your company whether it is with coaching or other systemically designed learning environments for your teams and managers.  For you, we will make ourselves available and we can provide you with a network of coaches of international quality. 
Why should managers learn coaching skills?
Metasysteme Coaching isi dezvolta in mod gradual o "reala" clientela de coaching care inseamna companii si lideri, pentru a participa in mod mai direct la evolutia unor organizatii din aceasta tara. Nu ezitati sa ne contactati daca doriti sa proiectati impreuna cu noi procese noi de dezvoltare in compania voastra, fie care este vorba despre coaching sau alte medii de invatare sistemice pentru echipele si managerii vostri. Pentru voi, ne vom gasi timpul de care este nevoie si vom pune la dispozitia voastra o retea de coachi de calitate internationala.
The latest generation of future Metasysteme coaches already started in the September "Fundamentals of Coaching" course.  The next promotion will start February 2010, on the 8th and 9th.  Reserve those dates, and you can register right away.  Interestingly in these groups, we regularly have participating managers who do not intend to become coaches, but who just want to learn coaching skills in order to become better managers.  The Bucharest "Supervision Cycle" for practicing coaches, (which also includes some managers who have acquired coaching skills) is rolling one day per month.  To register for these or any of our other activities, please contat us through the link below.
To contact Metasysteme Coaching
Cea mai recenta generatie de viitori coachi Metasysteme a inceput deja programul Fundamentele Coachingului. Urmatoarea promotie va incepe in februarie 2010, in data de 8 si 9.  Rezervati-va datele acelea si va puteti inscrie chiar acum. Interesant este ca in aceste grupuri avem in mod constant manageri care participa nu pentru a deveni coachi ci pentru a invata abilitati de coaching pentru a fi mult mai buni ca si manageri. Totodata, "Supervizarea" pentru practicarea coachingului (si incluzand manageri care si-au insusit abilitati de coach) continua cu o zi pe luna. Pentru a va inscrie la acestea sau oricare alte dintre activitatile noastre, va rugam sa ne contactati prin link-ul de mai jos.

That's all for now.  We thank you for your interest in our work and your presence to our development in Romania, and we wish you an excellent year end.  Until our next newsletter, Do not hesitate to tell others in your network about us and about what we do.  Very sincerely,

Asta e tot pentru moment. Va multumim pentru interesul in activitatea noastra si pentru prezenta voastra la dezvoltarea noastra in Romania si va dorim un sfarsit de an excelent. Pana la urmatoarea noastra scrisoare, cu sinceritate,
Alain Cardon  MCC