Happy New Year for 2011

30 Decembrie 2010

Dearest friends,

First, I want to wish you a wonderful, successful, healthy and enlightening year in 2011.   May you accomplish everything that is close to your heart while expressing the most luminous dimensions of your being.   Starting February 2, 2011 is also the Chinese year of the rabbit, so may all that you wish also come to you with that animal's legendary speed and agility.

On my end, I feel that this year will be much lighter, much more positive and much more fluid than 2010.  And I am delighted.  2010 was marked with major changes, deep questioning and difficult cleansing on which I will not delve any longer.  This new year is one of consolidation, new constructions, big motivating and innovating projects.  This year, I decidedly plan to let loose and unleash my creativity, so watch out !!!  I also feel 2011 is a year for me to share, to contribute, to participate and to commit to European projects and relationships that really create sustainable quality in my personal and professional environments. So I have a plan, and a good part of it takes place in Bucharest.

More personally

For Christmas, we stayed in Paris with the extended family, then we went one week skiing in the Alps, and now we have a intensive travel program that will take my wife and me to Lyon, Rennes, Barcelona, Madrid, Casablanca, Paris and especially Bucharest, not to forget the Seychelles.  This program is confirming that we are finding our marks as a truly nomadic couple.  Exploring what this means to us and how to do it best is quite an adventure.   We are also planning our future vacations to destinations that will help us achieve a range of new personal and professional purposes. 

It's still early to share details, but we are also coming close to our goal of finding a new Paris flat. That is THE current personal project, and it should be achieved by my next newsletter. This project occupies all of our spare time (not much time to spare, to be sure), occupying most of our dreams, and is bound to also occupy a good chunk of money. Financial planning is going to be a theme very soon.

Another last minute "extra-extra" read-all-about-it news is that my second son has announced that he and his sweetheart are going to get married, June 2011 legally, in Paris and June 2012 at church, in Ibiza.   Once more, planning ahead is his strength.   And to go with my silver hair, I hope to soon be a grampa.

I must add that in the current daily life marathon, I feel  that I need to be particularly attentive as to how I manage my energy if I want to hold the distance.  Eat lightly, sleep well, time for sports and walking.  On the other hand, I also feel that my 35 years experience accompanying people and teams has gradually brought me to a place where I can occasionally  give my very best with minimum effort, and each time come out more energized.  Doing excellent work is actually a much more simple way of life than it is made out to be. 

Bye bye 2010


Spring 2011

As the photo above illustrates, this year has begun with a cheerful bang.  Since then, I have already led a risk management workshop in Paris on January 3 and 4, then I accompanied an executive team in Monte Carlo on the 5th to 7th,  then back in Paris I have started a new "Coaching Fundamentals" course on the 10th-11th, and now, I am in Bucharest working with an executive team through Saturday 15.  In short, I have 22 active days planned with clients in January, and this rhythm will continue until early March, when Geanina and I will go on vacation in the Seychelles, in the Indian Ocean.  Well earned.

The professional mix between training and supervising coaches, coaching executives by phone no matter where I am, coaching teams and coaching organizations (groups of 40-60 people representing top key players in the same company) is really well balanced this new year.  I feel I am going to be really stimulated and that is sure to jolt my creativity.

For those who want to consult my general 2011 coach-training and supervision programs in Europe, please go to: https://www.metasysteme.eu/english/dates-and-locations-in-2011/.  This includes in-depth work in Madrid, Hamburg, Romania (see more below), France of course, and a host of shorter trips to other places.  About these programs, I want to thank you for your very positive word-of-mouth concerning these trainings, workshops and supervisions.  Your network support of my work is truly measurable, and don't hesitate to continue to spread the word.

Bucharest program

The Next Bucharest "Coaching Fundamentals" course for managers and future coaches starts January 25-26 to end in May.  It is already full.  That is a clear measure of it's growing success.  If you would like to attend one of the very best coach training programs in Europe, aim for the one that starts March 31-April 1, to end July 15. 

Concerning this program, I want to thank all the former participants, Metasysteme-Coaching alumni for helping make this course a success by becoming excellent coaches and making their mark on the market.  Every month, more Metasysteme trainees are passing ICF certification and demonstrating their coaching skills and actively participating in creating the Coaching community in Romania.  We can all be proud.

Also note that the Bucharest "Supervision" cycle for coaches is starting this year on January 24.  This program basically consists in one day per month of in-depth coaching practice, for a full ten months.  The best way for continuous improvement.

And finally, keep in mind that on February 21-22, I will deliver another "Individual and Team Diagnosis" workshop for managers and coaches.   Each participant (coach, consultant,  trainer) will experience the use of a simple and very effective  questionnaire that permits a detailed systemic diagnosis of coaching competencies, leadership or executive profiles, project management strategies, team or organization culture, etc. This inventory is franchise free, available for immediate  use by all participants.

For more information on this program and on other planned activities for the rest of 2011 in Bucharest: https://www.metasysteme-coaching.ro/romana/agenda-si-preturi-2011/

New book

Expected on library shelves by the mid or end of February, my new French book, "L'art véritable du maître coach" is soon to be published by Dunod/InterEditions in Paris.   Both the style and the content is very different from my preceding books and articles.  This text offers very different and complementary perspectives on the coaching profession.  It very practically presents what a systemic approach practiced by a master coach can add to the profession.   Very concretely, the book lays the premises on which rest systemic resonances in a coaching relationship, and then clearly explains how that resonance permits emerging processes and solutions to naturally surface from the coaching context.   The Romanian version of this book is being translated now, and you will be informed of progress.  For an English-language abridged version of the text, please go to https://www.metasysteme.eu/english/masterful-systemic-coaching/

Voila for some new year news.  Again I wish you an excellent 2011 and thank you so much for your presence here and in my life. 

And I am hoping our paths will cross this year, maybe in a Bucharest café, maybe in a local conference, in a training or maybe at the European coaching conference in Madrid, in June.  But I will give you more news before then.
