Some thoughts, and a vision

10 Iunie 2011

The Metasysteme Coaching Commnunity of mind

Over the past twenty-five years, my personal and professional quest in systemic strategies has allowed Metasysteme to gradually develop a very light, minimalist, practical and very performing individual and team coaching approach. I have always shared the results of this practical search in systems analysis in the most generous way.  A number of books have been translated and published in several languages.  In Romanian, a “Systemic Coaching Dictionary” is to be published in the fall of 2011, followed by a translation of the recently published French « l’Art Véritable du Maître Coach », focused on what I consider to be the very core of systemic coaching.  I also regularly add, correct, and complete articles on systemic coaching on the English language website.   On the Facebook  « Metasysteme Coaching » group, I have posted over 100 inspiring videos on the subject of systems analysis, quantum physics, new biology and coaching.   In my work with individual, team and organizational clients, my search for continuous practical improvement is ongoing, as can be validated by my client results.

The coach training and supervision programs I deliver have also influenced this quest and sharing process.  More and more European coaches have been trained to the Metasysteme coaching frame of reference and its profoundly inclusive and systemic perspective.  As a consequence, one can perceive a gradual emerging coaching community of people who share a common foundation of mind and spirit.  Numerous people tell me they are gradually witnessing the surfacing of a form of Metasysteme "school of thought".  It rests on a recognizable way of being, a specific type of coaching presence and the deployment of precise systemic skills and competencies.

This community of spirit is somewhat shared by all Metasysteme Coaching alumni.  It seems that all those who have participated in the “Fundamentals of Masterful Coaching”, in diverse self-managed Metasysteme peer groups, in “Supervision” programs or in “Metacoach Workshops” recognize these shared foundations.   Although the complete training programs are only offered in Romania ( ) and France ( ), it is surprising to perceive that this community is becoming European with members from a large number of EU countries. 

As these Metasysteme Coaching alumni grow and develop over time, their clients also perceive their difference or their specificity.   As they become active professionals and add their personal style and differentiating touches, they also participate in developing the larger Metasysteme community of mind.  And I am deeply thankful for this shared adventure in our personal and professional development.

But how can one define the specificity of the Metasysteme approach to another coach? It is totally inclusive, and in coherency with the deep resonances that physically connect the coach with the client and both of them with their much larger shared environment.  Beyond the obvious perception of a systemic reality, the Metasysteme approach also rests on a profound personal presence made of intimacy and trust, a powerful capacity to communicate, an uncompromising ethical stance.  This particular coach presence allows professionals to explore a truly humble posture within a respectful peer relationship and an all-inclusive positive environment.  This coach posture is in profound alliance with both the client and an undivided or un-segmented shared reality.  The Metasysteme coach posture is not only a way of working.  With practice, it gradually becomes a way of being. 

Coach training and supervision.

With professional precision, a well-paced and dynamic learning environment, a set of well-calibrated interpersonal and collective exercises, and truly motivated commitment, it is possible to rapidly and effectively train, either to become a professional coach or to acquire coaching tools to use as a leader or manager.  The “Fundamentals of coaching Mastery” is a practical proof of this assertion.   Metasysteme Coaching yearly offers three of these training programs per year in Bucharest.   The next sessions will start September 19 & 20 to finish in December 2011.  The following ones will start in January 2012:  Don't hesitate to sign up, and/or to tell your network about this program.

With a necessary complement focused on intensive practice, both in peer groups and in the Metasysteme Coaching “Supervision” programs, participants all recognize that this training has actively participated in developing their personal and professional lives towards increased excellence and authenticity.  To register for the Bucharest “Supervision” group:

To develop competencies in the more collective dimensions of team and organizational coaching, each of the four Metacoach two-day workshops offer enlarged perspectives and very practical tools for professional coaches.  The next workshops on "Breakthrough Processes” in coaching is programmed for September 22 & 23, 2011.

In English, Metasysteme is also offering a workshop on « Risk Management/the cubes exercise » in Hamburg on October 27-28, 2011.  Don’t hesitate to mention this to your international friends.

This lengthy menu may seem to present a number of « products » on different coaching subjects and tools.  In reality, they are each an integral part of a very coherent ensemble.  They each participate in defining elements of the same systemic posture, the same type of systemic coaching presence.  Remember also that the International Coach Federation validates as “ACSTH” the above Metasysteme Coaching training programs.  These all offer credits in view of passing all the different levels of international certification delivered by that professional association.

By contributing to the development of this emerging Metasysteme school of thought, I am more and more aware that we are in the process of gradually co-creating a powerful new frame of reference within the larger coaching community.  Members of the Metasysteme coaching alumni network are aware of their professional difference, of participating in a coherent emerging community of thought and of shared meaning.   Once more, thank you deeply for your participation and support in this collective adventure.  Thank you also for your contribution to its development by spreading the word about Metasysteme Coaching.

A little red light in the window of the building in the far background? That's the place.


As soon as the renovation is finished ( injust a few more weeks...) Geanina and I will move into our new Paris apartment.  We will be able to view the above scene on a daily basis, whenever we'll be in Paris.  We plan to spend most of this summer in that city, getting installed and settled, resting, writing and reading.  And we will probably also make a few short trips to different seasides to get our fill of salt water and sunshine.  

So unless we meet before summer, on one of my trips to Romania, I wish you all a wonderful vacation, and suggest we keep in toutch through Facebook (Alain Cardon MCC), through email, or by phone.

Coachingly yours,


And do get your network friends to sign up to receive this occasional newsletter !