Delegation Management Skills Training
Creating a Learning and Growth Environment for Your Personnel

Delegation Skills Training for Leaders and Managers

Delegation is the art of creating an environment within which a given leader’s or manager’s personnel can grow, learn, take initiatives and responsibilities, feel empowered enough to take measured personal and professional risks, develop their autonomy, experiment new performance solutions, and generally increase their organization’s value.

Delegation has been proven to be the best management style to lead an effective and durable work environment.  It helps to reduce costs and turnover, increase quality, develop responsibility, manage time, increase reactivity to market variations, permit internal people-development, consolidate individual and collective engagement, strengthens company culture, increase client fidelity, etc.  The list is long.  In fact today, there are practically no measurable reasons to avoid implementing an effective delegation profile  within any maturing organization’s management culture.

Effective delegation, however is not a mere philosophy, but a set of very precise skills and behaviours.  Effective delegation needs to be acquired by practicing those specific skills which permit key leaders and manager to create that specific learning and growth environment which permits personnel to expand and deliver their full potential.
Interestingly, the coaching profession is also focused on offering coaching clients an empowering growth, learning, achievement-oriented problem-solving environment.  The coaching profession also does not only rest on a precise philosophy but on a specific frame of reference and skill set which has proven its effectiveness to the point of becoming one of the fastest-growing new professions in the world.

More practically, the skill set daily deployed by a professional coach can very extensively be used by leaders and managers to achieve similar or complementary objectives when managing their personnel and in specific settings such as when processing personnel and yearly evaluations, mentoring, negotiating goals, recruiting, designing and managing projects, attending meetings, responding both to urgent needs and strategic issues, etc.  In fact the coaching skill set and frame of reference can practically be effectively used in all leadership and managerial situations.

Consequently, the program detailed below proposes practical behavioural training on specifically chosen coaching strategies and skills chosen and adapted to enhance the performance of those leaders and managers who wish to develop true and effective delegation within their personal and work environments.  It is delivered to very measurably train leaders and managers to develop those personal attitudes and behavioural skills which permit the creation of a truly delegating learning environment to benefit their own and their personnel’s empowerment and  sustainable development.

FOR WHOM:  This programme concerns all leaders and managers who wish to learn how to use performing coaching strategies and tools for use in their professional environment.  Among others this practical training can also concern, recruiters, sales representatives, HR professionals, internal trainers, journalists, etc.

To enhance on the job follow-up and experimentation between the training sessions, we strongly recommend grouped enrolment of a minimum of three participants from the same organizational environment.

PROCESS:  The proposed training program consists of four two-day workshops or a total of eight days.  It constitutes a relatively complete education learning environment focused on delivering behavioural proficiency in key coaching skills and strategies adapted for leaders and managers.  This offer is proposed as a medium-term learning program with intensive on-the-job homework or practice between the sessions.  The program is delivered in English, with numerous exercises which can be worked in Romanian.

Again, the whole program is conceived as a practical behavioural training environment focused on teaching know-how. The participants will find a setting where they will be asked to practice real-life learning situations and exercises.

This program is exclusively delivered by Master Certified Coaches validated by the International Coach Federation.  It is based on an exclusive and protected Coach Training program designed and delivered by the Metasysteme Coach Academy.

WHEN:  9:00 am to 6:00 pm 
Cycle 1:  English language   Feb 21-22, May 12-13, Sept 18-19, Nov 27-28    2008
Cycle 2:  Romanian            Dates to be determined

WHERE:    Non residential, in Bucarest, Romania. 
This program can also be delivered in-house for any specific client organization.

PRICE:   Per Participant, for the full cycle: 3 200 € plus VAT including breaks and lunch.  Absences will not be reimbursed.



2-day behavioural training workshop

Presentation: Inclusion of participants. Training process presentation. Introduction to "empowerment and delegation" context facilitated by manager-coach communication tools and strategies. 
Introduction to the specific coach posture (dialogue versus discussion) and its relevance for delegating leaders and managers.
Definition of the work groups (manager, employee, observer), operating process.
Practical and progressive introduction to each tool:TOOLS :
  • Listening skills, silence, verbal punctuation.
  • Posture, receptive attitudes, body language. 
  • Passive and active pacing and prodding.  
  • Effective reformulation and the difference with mere repetition or "parroting"
  • Respectful expression and formulation of feelings and intuitions by the manager. 
  • Linguistic clarification.
  • Etc.

Each technique is extensively practiced by each manager in small groups, during five to ten-minute sequences followed by an evaluation of results and discussion.


Creating a delegation relationship and environment when:

  • Hiring
  • Negotiating goals
  • Designing presenting projects
  • Evaluating  personnel
  • Mentoring
  • Problem-solving

Each leader or manager will set personal goals to implement the newly acquired skills within their professional environment in specific situations, with deadlines.

  • Definition of "target" situations and people to practice skills on the job.   
  • Targeting managerial and other communication situations where the use of manager tools could prove useful or effective (evaluation, goal-setting, meetings, etc.) 
  • Personal follow up dates and reality checking.


2-day behavioural training workshop

Presentation/Inclusion of the participants, training process presentation. 
Revisit of the on-the-job work and experimenting implemented between the sessions
Revisiting  the "empowerment and delegation" context facilitated by communication skills and strategies.  Reminder of the specific coach posture (dialogue versus discussion) and its relevance in delegation.

Definition of the work groups (coach, client, observer), operating process.


Practical and progressive introduction to each management communication skill and tool:  Each technique will be extensively practiced by each participant in small groups, during five to ten-minute sequences.

  • Questions : The judicious use of open, closed, directed, neutral and powerful questions by the manager-coach.
  • The manager’s use of questions focused on facilitating emerging solutions.
  • Manager use of questions to enlarge transform operational frame of reference.
  • Manager  use of questions focused on who the employee is and on how the employee processes rather than on the content of a problem, project, situation or objective.
  • The use of "powerful" questioning techniques in days-to day managerial situations.


The art of asking the right kind of questions at the right time is a key managerial technique to facilitate responsible empowered delegation.  The skill can also be very powerful in negotiation, personnel evaluation, hiring, mentoring, etc.,  This segment of the training process calls for intensive practice by each of the participants.
Specific goal setting for on-the-job implementing between the sessions.


2-day behavioural training workshop

Presentation/Inclusion of the participants, training process definition. 
Revisit of on-the-job experimenting and implementing between the sessions
Revisiting of  the "empowerment and delegation" context facilitated by manager-coach communication tools and strategies.  Reminder of the delegation management posture (dialogue versus discussion) and its relevance in leadership.
Definition of the work groups (coach, client, observer), operating process.


Practical and progressive introduction to each tool:  Each skill or technique will be extensively practiced by each participant in small 3-person groups, during five to ten-minute sequences.

  • Questions to explore employee challenges, issues, objectives, needs and stakes.
  • Contract clarification including objectives, pertinent measures and performing measurement instruments.
  • Triangular contract contexts and negotiation.
  • Contracting in internals networks, for functional and transversal support.
  • Written contracts.
  • Anti-sabotage focus and strategies.
  • Follow-up, checks and tracking measures for managers and employees.


Complementary issues can be covered :

  • Prescription of diagnostics, (360°, MBTI, audits, etc).
  • Contract « games », modifying contracts, concluding contracts,
  • Team meeting agreements and meeting time management.
  • Contracts for questions/reformulations/expressing perceptions.
  • Implementation contracts, project contracts.
  • Follow-up contracts and measures.
  • The place for quarterly follow-up and yearly evaluations for the manager.
  • Specific goal setting for on-the-job implementing between the sessions.


2-day behavioural training workshop

Presentation/Inclusion of the participants, training process definition.
Revisit on-the-job experimenting and practice between the sessions
Revisiting of  the "empowerment and delegation" context facilitated by manager-coach communication tools and strategies.  Reminder of the specific coach posture (dialogue versus discussion) and its relevance in delegation.
Definition of the work groups (coach, client, observer), operating process.


Practical and progressive introduction to each tool:  Each technique will be extensively practiced by each participant in small groups, during five to ten-minute sequences.

  • Systemic and projective techniques in planning and interviewing, differed and «  live » or on-the-job coaching and mentoring. 
  • Employee and team relationship indicators and how the manager can use these with a metaphorical approach. 
  • The manager – employee relationship, transference and counter transference. 
  • Strategic choice of “high” and “low” positions for the leader or manager.
  • Projective tools, how and when a manager can use them

    Each skill technique will be extensively practiced by each participant in small groups, during five to ten-minute sequences.

THEMES : Some complementary themes can be covered :

  • Presentation of systems approach principles as they apply to team management. 
  • Introduction to systemic supervision for the manager.
  • The scapegoat process, family constellations, systemic games in teams. 
  • Performance potentials inherent to employee interfaces
  • Contracts for projective work sequences, use of video, flip charts, projectors, drawings, etc.  
  • Space management (Gestalt), time management (future projections).
  • Triangulation.
  • The use of paradoxical strategies, paradoxical questions and affirmations by the manager.

For a more detailed awareness of the practical content presented in the above outline, please consult the articles on "The Coaching Toolbox", as they appear on this website.