READY for 2021

09 Decembrie 2020

Dear friends

_"Predictably, the year 2020, maybe also 2021, will go down in history
as the year that most boosted
the coming decade's major personal, professional and social
innovation. Indeed, this past year has been an
exceptionally disruptive year for many, a really devastating one for

  • Such challenging years always provoke very practical,
    creative personal, professional, social and technological
    transformations. That practical dimension is a key defining criteria
    for innovation."

The above quote comes from the introduction to an article I recently wrote on current COVID-19 imperatives, as we are experiencing it in the corporate environment, we as a couple, and I as a systemic coach.  That article shares on personal experience, on perceived systemic patterns  and on strategic professional coaching options. There is no need to be redundant here, so in order to consult it, please Click Here.

Future perspectives in team coaching

Among other specialists, I have recently been interviewed by the ICF on my team-coaching practice and skills.  The interview served to help define team coaching and a list specific skills that apply to accompanying systems and networks as coaches.  We can surmise that the ICF may soon elaborate team-coaching certification processes for team coaches and team-coaching schools, why not team-coach ICF membership, team-coach mentoring and supervision, etc.  In short, team coaching may soon be formalized by the ICF and other major professional associations.  This may be good news.

Looking back, my first keynote speech for the ICF in 2002 in Sitges, Spain, was on the subject of my team coaching experience.  At the time and for the record, prominent British coaches publically declared that team coaching didn't even exist!  That year, I also wrote a first French book on team coaching. Published in 2003, and translated in several languages, that text has evolved and is still selling strong today.  In 2005, I also proceeded to design and offer the METACOACH team-coach ICF-validated ACSTH program.   It has since been regularly renewed  and has trained hundreds of continental-Europe systemic team-coaches.  We are pround, at Metasysteme, to have been such systemic team-coaching trail-blazers for the coaching community.


The METACOACH systemic team-coaching program is not redundant with other Metasysteme coach-training programs focused on one-to-one systemic coaching, coaching posture, ICF-defined coaching skills, and systemic coach supervision..  As a matter of fact, it is strongly advised that METACOACH team coaching students have a strong base and prior experience in coaching skills before considering development as systemic team coaches.

The full METACOACH 91-hour ACSTH team-coach training program is a loosely structured learning adventure that can be adapted to fit each participant's rhythm and learning preferences.  It is composed of four two-day team-coaching workshops plus five days of collective team-coaching supervision.  Participants that have fully participated in these can
apply for their Metasysteme ACSTH Team Coach certificate of attendance.

Taken individually, each of the METACOACH workshops and the Supervision days provides participants with 7 ICF-validated CCEUs that can be used for certification renewals and as continuing education credit hours.   Our 2021 English language METACOACH program is scheduled as follows:

January 21-22, 2021, in Bucharest, Risk-Management (Cubes) for individual and team coaches and managers. This learning adventured is designed to reveal key individual and team systemic success patterns indifferently applied to project and career management, life, team and network coaching etc.  The learning process is first focused on each team-coach participant, then on sub-group work, and finally on the whole group as a learning system.  Minimal prior experience in systemic coaching or management is advised.

Note that this on-location workshop cannot be delivered online.  Should travel restriction not allow for the event, it will be postponed to a later date in the spring.

February 24-25-26, a full 3-day Systemic Coaching Marathon for managers and individual and/or team coaches.   Systemic-coaching supervision marathons are tailored to practice and improve both individual and team coaching skills as well as complexity-management strategies.  The learning focus is on how to coach systemic patterns, skills and solutions that apply to multiple, individual/team/organizational existential and behavioral levels of reality.

Note that should COVID restrictions apply, this on-location three-day marathon will be delivered online.  That eventuality will transform this METACOACH workshop into an excellent opportunity to learn and practice online coaching and team coaching operating procedures and skills. 

April 1-2, 2021, the Individual and team Pattern Diagnosis workshop for managers and coaches.  Participants will experiment with and learn to recognize time structure, spacial organization, energy deployment, and other pattern indicators that indifferently apply to all levels of systems.  This systemic pattern recognition approach is essential when coaching individuals, networks, families, teams and organizations.  In fact the skill applies to coaching work with all types of individual and collective systems.  Beyond pattern recognition, the workshop also covers priviledged performance strategies when coaching or managing any type of system transition and evolution.

Although this workshop is planned to be delivered on location in Bucarest, it can also be delivered online (Covid).  Also note that during these two days, online methods for team coaching work on team alignment, operational processes, decision making, action plans, etc. are central learning themes.

A first taste of the powerful strategies that can be distilled from pattern-recognition skills can be experienced in our online self-coaching journey for managers and coaches.  For a fee, you can acquire a full 45+ page report on your key success patterns, and numerous options on how you could progress in the future.

Other 2021 METACOACH workshops on individual and team coaching Breakthrough Processes and and Delegating Processes plus supporting masterclasses are also posted on the Metasysteme-coaching website.  Please regularly consult that informational page in order to plan ahead, or to stay informed on possible changes, additions, conferences, etc.

Walking in deserted Paris-Les Halles decorated for Christmas (photo by Geanina)


Originally designed in 2007, the skills-oriented Systemic Coaching Fundamentals coach training program has since been delivered up to six times yearly, on different continents, both in-house within companies and as open or public courses.

What is understood here by the term fundamentals, in a systemic perspective, is that this learning adventure is focused on core behavioral and linguistic skills that are at the heart of the coaching profession.  This short very practical program provides over forty hours practice per participant in a coaching role.  Its compact and intense learning architecture actually provides all one needs to become a very proficient professional ACC, PCC, or MCC.  The main difference as one proceeds forward consists in becoming as minimalist as possible, through thousands of hours of practical experience with clients, only supported by supervision.  While training participants over the years, this Metasysteme ACSTH program has gradually acquired worldwide recognition.  Check a few testimonials, and don't hesitate to call us to get more information. 

  • The next "Fundamentals" International online program starts January 25-26, 2021 to end in May.  This group is already partially full, so don't hesitate to sign up, or to send us other motivated prospects! 
  • In French, le cycle suivant des mêmes "Fondamentaux" démarre à Paris et en français les 1-2 février 2021, pour finir début mai. Inscriptions en cours.
  • A third Latin America program, online and in English with Spanish simultaneous translation will start March 15-16, 2021 to end in June. Don't hesitate to inform your Spanish-speaking networks about this extraordinary opportunity!.
As mentionned above, other training programs are delivered within organizations in order to develop internal coaching cultures, delegating leadership skills, management and employee collaborative behaviors, collective empowerment, responsible autonomy, agile reactivity, innovation to better face the current COVID reshuffle, etc.  Please consult us for further information on such options.

With corporate clients

_"We are in an excellent position to name Covid-19 THE world-wide coach of the year!"

The above quote also comes from the same Linkedin COVID-19 related article mentioned above. It refers to the overwhelming worldwide push for practical innovation this pandemic has provoked.  To consult the article, please Click Here.

This article details why the coaching market is poised to boom in the next six months.  Many companies are either still facing fear-based issues and need to be coached out of paralysis, or are already engaged in major innovation strategies that merit transitional or transformational coaching support.  As mentioned above, one of the main underlying issues will be to accompany corporate culture shifts all the way into very practical operating principles and action plans that can ensure measurable field results.  2021 should witness a coaching market explosion that will compensate the 2020 Covid-19-induced implosion.  

Other resources for systemic managers and coaches

Thanks to the spring confinement months, I have published six new books this year. Some are already translated and published in Spanish, English, French, Italian, and soon Romanian.  All are available on Amazon and Kindle.  More translations are in the works and should be available in the coming months.  A synthetic article on LINKEDIN presents short summaries of my recent books and direct links to order each.

Many short and longer videos concerning systemic coaching are listed on my English-language YouTube channel.  These include interviews, conferences and demos. These recordings are gradually offering a wide range of resources focused on our extraordinary profession and of Metasysteme's systemic coaching legacy .

Do not hesitate to also consult articles, news, conferences and programs on our English website

To conclude

Even if Geanina and I have caught the Covid and thus developped useful viral antibodies, we are quite aware that as members of the human community, we are going through a rather difficult transitional phase.  We are staying alert, proceeding with care, ready to adapt and adapt again, doing our best to stay healthy and serve when we can.  Although we are fundamentally optimistic, impatiently waiting for brighter days, we are also ready to face 2021's predictable ups and downs, to innovate again and again, hopefully to develop more useful opportunities for our clients.  

Our strategy is based on resilience on the longer term.  Indeed, the present international environment seems to elicit long-distance marathon strategies much more than short-term sprinter skills.  Even if direct effects of the present pandemic are now under relative control, collateral damages such as social, psychological, medical, economic and political consequences may well affect us for some time to come.

No matter what next year holds however, we are truly grateful to know you are there, even if at a distance.  So should you have the time for a ZOOM-coffee, a SKYPE-afterwork, a TEAMS-brunch or any other online or phone equivalent, please call for a chat and share!  Know that whatever happens, we always make available time for casual talks and more intimate dialogues. In short, we miss you.   See you soon!

Amicalement         Alain and Geanina