SPRING 2024, Catching up

27 Mai 2024

Dear friends

For a while now, since last October to be precise, I've been aware that I have not sent you one of my occasional newsletters. And so it's high time to update with more recent information.

NEW !!!

Past and future Métasystème-Coaching students can now register on an alumni list on our website.  This will allow all of you to connect with others who share the same systemic coaching and leadership frame of reference, ask for or offer support, partake in peer coaching, collaborate on projects, etc.  In the future, we also plan to gradually add other fontionnalities, and we are open for suggestions.

This concerns all managers, leaders, coaches, etc. who amongst you have actively participated either:

  • in the Systemic Coaching Fundamentals since they were first offered in 2007, now part of our LEVEL II program.
  • in the METACOACH systemic team and organizational coaching program (AATC) in it's present 9-day format with intensive practice between sessions,
  • in the Supervision Marathon. in its present three-consecutive-day format,

By registering, you agree to respect ethical guidelines that forbid sending any form of un sollicitated marketing and sales material (spam) to anyone on our alumni list, and you will not communicate the names, adresses and other personal data to any third party without prior, written permission from all those concerned.    (GDPR or RGPD in French) 

Registration is open.  We will validate each entry manually, so please be patient.  https://network.metasysteme-coaching.eu/

Recent events early 2024

First a short comment on my health issues.  Many amongst you follow me on FACEBOOK and more professionally on LINKEDIN, and are conscious of my ongoing physical challenges.

My symptoms are all linked to compressed vertebrae in the lumbar area and missing cartilage in my right hip.  I'm still exploring for non-intrusive solutions.  So far, they all seem point towards the need for more muscular support, and probably a little less stretching.  So I have started on an regular "body-building" program.  My advanced age of 75 this year, and my relatively sedentary lifestyle since COVID call for more muscular activity anyway.  Indeed, I do not plan to slow down just yet.

Above, photo of the last Supervision Marathon, with mostly long-timer and really engaged participants

To update you on more recent realms of interest, I can mention my most recent publication on AMAZON.  The 25th French book, no less !  It explores the « 13 senses in Systemic Coaching » :  Les Treize sens du Coach Systémique.  This text delivers a relatively personal reflexion on the essential sensory foundations on which rest all my coaching skills, and probably all my most significant personal development and life experiences.  It proposes a whole new perspective on what really deep presence in powerful coaching is all about.  The book is already being translated into Italian and Romanian, and soon into English..

After a short pause, I started yet another book, deepening my exploration into just one of the above-mentioned senses, one that I perceive to be most essential in coaching, if not all supporting and accompanying professions.  AND... this central sense is probably not the one you think !  I’ll soon share more information on the subject... (teasing !). 

This past year in France, Metasystème SAS went through a grueling tax-control process, the first in over thirty years. Quite an experience ! And I'm happy to say that we are now past that hurdle and totally compliant.  It did cost us much time and money, and I've learned a lot from the process, even after managing diverse international companies for over forty-five years.  So  never say never !Interestingly, may of our clients were synchronically going through the same process, so we were quite "in resonance".

I was also deeply honored by an invitation to contribute to the success of the first French-language international coaching conference in Lille.  It was organized by ICF-Synergie and took place this last March 15-16, 2024.  What a beautiful, joyful, loving and professional community experience ! By far, the best conference I've attended in my professional life. And I have participated in over 30 such international events in the course of my 45-year career !  Its totally creative format and the extraordinary quality of delivered keynotes and workshops has made it a truly benchmark experience.  One our French-speaking community of coaches surely deserves.  And I can’t wait for the next !

This year, Metasystee-Coaching has also updated all of our systemic coach-training courses to merge them into one coherent LEVEL II (PCC) all-in-one ICF-validated program. Consequently this same program also trains for ACTC certification, for participants to become team and organizational coaches, AND it also delivers over ten individual mentoring hours.    You can  learn more about our training program agenda for this year-end further below.

More routinely, with the usual slow, continuous improvement strategy, I still faithfully offer individual, team and organizational-coaching services for my old-time and newer clients.  Early this year I have delivered in new countries such as Malta and Poland, and as always, in Paris and Bucarest, some in Italy. This may seem to indicate that my travel perimeter is shrinking to just include Europe.  So far.

This coming Fall season

I already expect a number of new individual, team and organization coaching projects will be maturing in time for this coming September.  As in the past, most of our team-coaching contracts are indirect consequences of one-on-one executive coaching relationships.  Others just emerge unexpectedly out of our networking strategies.  For the past ten years and much to my pleasure, a more recent variation is that many of our projects are sollicited by women executives and C.E.O.s.  Also, more new clients are emerging in France, attracting me back to my home country from which I have been relatively absent for years.   Is this homecoming a long-term trend ?  Will we travel less ? I’m sure the future will tell.

As for our professional training programs on systemic coaching and leadership skills and strategies, our legendary « Systemic Coaching Fundamentals » course is more focused on practically developing what I call manager and coach « sensory competency ».  Indeed, our art of living, communicating and developing rests almost entirely on our sensory skills.  Especially when one wants to be well aligned with the eight ICF copetencies and engaged for the long haul.  Partly on location in Bucarest, Romania, and partly online.   Consult us for the same in the Middle East or in Spanish and Latin America.

As for the equivalent and totally complementary METACOACH systemic team-coach-training program, for managers and coaches, its success is now making waves.  Possibly even a tsunami !  Including over 140 hours of teamwork, of "deep" team-coaching and of « live » team-coach supervision, it is becoming one of the strongest systemic team-coaching programs on the market.  Most students in this community-learning adventure are so engaged that they continue working together and supporting each other at least a year after it concludes.  It is all online, on East-European time (Bucharest)

The next cohorts for these programs start in September, along with the equally intensive, if not transformative, three-day Supervision Marathon, expected October 28-29-30, 2024. On location in Bucharest.  I cannot find the words to describe the shared pleasure I experience when participating in these personal, professional, and even existential-development opportunities for all those that attend. 

And as always, the cherry on the cake (when not the cake on the cherry) : our Risk-Management - Cubes Exercice two-day workshop will take place on february 3-4, 2025. Also on location in Bucharest. this workshop is a totally mind-blowing systemic immersive experience for everyone, and it can really serve to launch, or reconfigure, your new year, if not your coming decade.

And see you soon ...

To conclude this newsletter,

  • I will continue to take the time to take good care of my health, with our usual month-long summer yoga and bodywork retreat this summer. 
  • And I will also dedicate much of this fall to writing, conferences and training sessions to better prepare the future generations of systemic coaches. 
  • And as stated above, I will also continue serving corporate individual, team and organizational clients.  

All this because I’m still passionate about what I do, and I have the inner conviction that I need to pass on whatever legacy I have accumulated over years of experience.  I owe this to the coaching profession at large.

As in the past, do not hesitate to inform your friends and networks about what I do, should you feel it could make a significant difference in their lives.  There is a good chance they will thank you for it, as I will.

Do not hesitate also, to provoke a more personal meeting with me, around a cup of coffee, a meal, on zoom, or why not by walking around in a park in Paris or bucarest.  When it comes to deepening a heart to heart dialogue with friends, I have not lost my appetite nor my availability.  That is one of the main long-time reasons for which I have chosen and deepened my investment in the coaching profession.

So hope to see you or hear from you soon !

Lovingly.              Alain